Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

Give feedback on care – Care Quality Commission (

Upcoming Junior Doctor Strikes

Junior doctors will begin a five-day strike at 7am on Thursday 13 July. NHS services will be extremely busy so […]

NHS Low Income Scheme

We wanted to ensure that you’re aware of the following support for local people on a low income via the […]

Cervical Screening

Our practice is proud to support the NHS Cervical Screening (smear test) Programme. If you’ve been invited for cervical screening, we […]

People urged not to ignore COVID-19 booster invitation – as difficult winter could lie ahead

It’s that time of the year when colds and flu sweep through the nation. But this year it’s more important […]

Better Health: 24/7 Breastfeeding Support

The best start for you and your baby Breast milk provides all the nutrition your baby needs in their first […]

Better Health: Home Learning Environment

When you play with your child, you give their brain a boost! A child’s development begins the moment they are […]